This beautiful tranquil 80-hectare Boland farm is situated at the foot of
the majestic Hawequa Mountain range.
It is only an hour's drive from Cape Town and about 3 km outside the rural town of Wellington. Ideal for non-competitive happy hackers.
We strive in giving the horses what nature intended.
Big grass herd camps for seasonal grazing
Spacious individual paddocks (12,5 m x 23m) with walk in-shelters. Perfect to hide from the rain in winter or snooze out of the sun during summer
Daily cleaning of paddocks and shelters
Morning grooming 3 times per week
Fly traps
Fly masking and fly spraying is at the owner’s discretion but will be done
by the groom as required
Horses are fed twice a day
We grow our own lucerne and saia oat-hay
We are planning to do teff from September
Fresh water daily
Scenic out-rides between vineyards with mountain views and farm dam
Guided out-rides to neighbouring farms with prior arrangement
Jumping arena and lounge ring are planned for the near future
Large parking area
Livery Fees
Medical Fees
Deposit & Notice Period
From R 2 800 per month
Food, farrier and veterinary expenses excluded
Farrier available every 3 weeks for clients own account
No deposit
Notice period: one month in advance
Contact us
for more information!
Cell: 067 412 8314
Cell: 082 838 4326
E-mail: info@leeuwrivier.co.za